Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Blog IV: Network Analysis

Let me start with confessing that writing a blog is actually not that intimidating … Yes, I said it! Before the MIS 587 class I have of course read blogs but never actually posted one! This was definitely out of my comfort zone as I am not such a public person, however I am happy that due to the Business Intelligence class I got out of my comfort zone …
I cannot believe, that this is our last blog … Or maybe last blog for this class and who knows, I can possibly continue blogging on my own, now that I feel some comfort in blogging! Picking the last topic to blog was a bit of a challenge, as you wanted it to possibly be the best you have written! After some debating, I decided that blogging about web analytics would be a pretty good choice – as it was said in our class it is the most exciting aspect of a data analytics course! We know that in today’s tech world we pretty much do everything online which means we leave tracks that can later be analyzed – we can see how we are connected on LinkedIn and Facebook, what pages we like, what groups we join, what we are interested in based on our posts and tweets, etc.
First, let’s familiarize my readers with what is actually a network. A network is a social structure composed of entities, or vertices, and the relationships, or edges, among the entities. Understanding networks actually helps us understand the world which is a complex system of people and things that are interacting among themselves or each other. How? In more technical terms, networks helps us understand various phenomenon like relationship formation among customers, information diffusion and disease propagation!
Network analysis is an emerging Business Intelligence technique that is being more and more used in social network analytics, telecommunication analytics, criminal intelligence, banking, human resources, and many more industries. 
A network is visually represented with nodes (vertices) and edges (links), as shown on the picture to the right. The nodes in the network represent the entities in a system, while the edges represent the relationships between the nodes. Nodes can be people, universities, companies, webpages, animals, plants, Facebook pages, etc. On the other hand, edges are the “labels of a relationship” and they can be either directed or undirected as well as weighted or unweighted. 
It is worth mentioning that there are many types of networks, but the primary types are single and two mode networks. In a single mode network there is only one kind of node, while in a two mode network, you can have more than one node, or specifically two kinds of nodes.
Networks like anything else, have properties that help us understand their structure. Some of the main structural properties of networks include centrality measures, density, clustering coefficient, cliques, etc.  In this blog we will discuss some not so complex ideas of network analysis that have significant consequences.
The main idea when dealing with networks is the connection. Differences among individuals or populations in how connected they are can be significant in understanding their behaviour and attributes. More connections mean that individuals or populations are exposed to more information, and probably more diverse information, which means that they can be more influential and more influenced by others. 
The next approach deals with the distance between individuals and/or populations. As majority of individuals are not usually directly connected to most other individuals in a population, sometimes it is necessary to study connections beyond immediate connections, of course in addition to the density of direct connections. For example, an individual may be able to reach out to most other members of a population with almost no effort by sharing the message with his/her friends, who then tell their friends, and so on until "everyone" knows. Others might have more difficulty spreading the message, as the people they share it with might not be well connected, thus the message would not go far. This notion also applies to populations that differ in how close individuals are to others and those differences can help us understand diffusion (the spreading of something more widely), homogeneity (the quality or state of being homogeneous), solidarity (unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group), etc.
Finally, I want to end this blog with a listing of few social network analysis softwares found on KD Nuggets site:
        Gephi is an interactive visualization and exploration platform for all kinds of networks and complex systems, dynamic and hierarchical graphs. Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Gephi is open-source and free.
        Centrifuge offers analysts and investigators an integrated suite of capabilities that can help them rapidly understand and glean insight from new data sources, visualize discoveries by interacting with data, collaborate to draw conclusions.
        R is a general purpose analytics tool, but several libraries are available for social network analysis. These include degreenet, RSeina, PAFit, igraph, sna network, tnet, ergm, Bergm, hergm, latentnet and networksis. Each provides specialised functionality and for people familiar with R represent a rich set of resources.
        SocNetV (Social Networks Visualizer) is a cross-platform, user-friendly tool for the analysis and visualization of Social Networks. It lets you construct networks (mathematical graphs) on a virtual canvas, or load networks of various formats (GraphML, GraphViz, Adjacency, Pajek, UCINET, etc). Also, SocNetV enables you to modify the social networks, analyse their social and mathematical properties and apply visualization layouts.
Hope you have enjoyed my final blog!


Hanneman, R. A., & Riddle , M. (n.d.). Introduction to Social Network Methods. Retrieved from
Top 30 Social Network Analysis and Visualization Tools. (2015, June). Retrieved from KDnuggets:
 Ram, S. (2015). Introduction to Networks. Module 6

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blog III: Web Analytics

Analytics … Analytics … A word that we have been hearing quite a lot lately. So what exactly is Analytics? According to Wikipedia, analytics is defined as the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. If that what analytics is defined as, then what is Web Analytics? Is it as simple as the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data on the web/Internet? According to one of the Web Analytics guru, Avinash Kaushik, web analytics is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from a website and the competition to drive continual improvement of current and potential customer’s experience.   

Web analytics is usually part of customer relationship management analytics, or short CRM analytics. The Web Analytics software tracks every instance and action that is happening on a website and it is recorded in real-time. The analysis can include items such as re-designing the website to make it more personable to frequent visitors/customers; monitoring purchases and volume by specific customers or group of customers; determining likelihood of a customer re-purchasing a product; exploring the demographics of customers, such as what are the regions from which least and most customers visit the site; predicting what items are customers more likely to purchase in the future; and so on.
All this is mind-boggling isn’t it? Where is this technology going? We can track and review everything? You know when Facebook suggests some sites for you, like all kinds of shoes and clothing sites on my FB page of course? I used to wonder, how does Facebook knows what I like, why is it showing ads where I will most likely spend all my money onJ? Now, thanks to this week’s class I know how Facebook and other sites do it. All my actions on the web are tracked! Hmmm, this could be good or bad … And I will talk more about the bad side of Web Analytics in a bit.

Next, since we now know what Web Analytics is and what it can do, lets focus on Web Key Performance Indicators or KPIs (note: the list is not exhaustive). First of all, to avoid confusions, we should define KPI so some of you are not thrown off by the word. KPIs are measures that help an organization track its successes and failures in accordance to the organization’s already defined objectives.  
·        Conversion Rate – proportion of visits that result in goal achievement. For example, if Google’s goal is for a web user to click on an ad campaign, then you will calculate how many visits on the Google site result in achieving that goal, which is the conversion rate. This metrics is very valuable KPI as it steers the organization’s focus on Objectives.  
·        Task Completion Rate – percentage of visitors that successfully completed a specific task on the site. For example, if Business Insider’s goal is site visitors to download an article then the Task Completion Rate will be the percentage of visitors that successfully complete the download of articles. This metrics will show how easy is for visitors to perform actions on the site and it will give suggestions for web re-design, on how to make it more visitor-friendly.
·        Average Order Value – monetary value of sales per conversion. For example, if Fabletics’s visitors click on yoga pants and buy them, what is the revenue Fabletics gets from each conversion? AOV goes hand in hand with the conversion rate - it will help an organization more clearly understand why the revenue is down when the conversion rate is high and vice versa.
·        Exit Rate – The percentage of visitors that leave the website from a particular web page. The exit rate is calculated for a particular web page. For instance, the percentage of visitors that leave the New Yorker website after visiting the Business web page.
·        Bounce Rate – Percentage of visitors that leave the website from a particular page after a visit to a single page. It is based on visits that start with a particular page (i.e. Business section) and they leave the website completely.
·        Days & Visits to “Purchase” (it can be any outcome) – The days and visits that lead to “purchase” measure the true customer behavior on a website, or how long and often it takes a customer to make an outcome on an organization’s website. This measure has a lot of bearing in terms of perfecting the marketing messaging on the organization’s website.
·        Share of Search – Percentage of searches that leads to a website visit. This metrics also allows an organization to see specific keywords that lead to the website. For instance, for Southwest Airlines it may be cheap flights, free checked-in baggage, top ranked airlines, flights, etc.
As I noted, this list is not exhaustive … There are many other KPIs that an organization can use that will help better measure the objectives set for by the company.

And now as promised, I want to share few thoughts on the dark side of web analytics which is mostly based on a recent article I read. Are you ready?!? Well, here you go … As of November 2015, FireEye, a cyber security and malware protection organization, has identified about 14 websites that hosted a profiling script that was collecting and extensive information from the Internet. What does this mean? The backbone, is that threat actors with support from the Russian government, used web analytics to gather information about desired victims and computers owned by the victims in order to track, profile and infect the computers with specific malware. As per FireEye, the attackers are interested in gathering data from diplomats, executives, government and military personnel from US and Europe.

As a finish … Web Analytics is a about collecting data on visitors on an organization’s website and understanding what they are doing on the website in order to improve the design of the website which will lead to ACHIEVING the OBJECTIVES set by the organization!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s blog choice and of course blog content!!!


Kaushik, A. (2008, September 16). Six Web Metrics / Key Performance Indicators To Die For. Retrieved from
Staff, F. (2015, November 16). Russia-led cyber attack campaign shows the dark side of web analytics. Retrieved from FirstPost:
 Ram, S. (2015). Introduction to Web Analytics. Module 5

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog II: Dashboard Design

Dashboard Design

So … I had been thinking for few days now what will grab my reader’s attention, what should my BI blog topic be? My thoughts ranged from star schemas to balance scorecards to data warehousing, and finally to dashboards. Truly, each and every one of these topics would have been a hit as all are trending topics and are raising interest in the tech and business world. But, I had to decide on one … And can you guess what I picked? Well, maybe if you know my current project/task load, then you would know that I picked Dashboards as the winner. Just a short story of why I decided on dashboards. I was recently asked at my current job to come up with a dashboard design that displays departmental KPIs which need to have the capability to be sliced and diced and drilled down to be able to examine and see more detail when anomalies and inconsistencies arise.
I would bet that most of us have heard the word dashboard – for some of you is a car or airplane dashboard, and for others is actually an operational or analytical dashboard. But what is the definition of a dashboard? According to Stephen Few, a dashboards is “a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives, consolidated and arranged on a single screen so that information can be monitored at a glance.”
I can attest, from my own experiences and literature research that dashboards are gaining their popularity and every organization wants or has one. Dashboards are a great tool that gives executives and other interested parties great visibility and insight on what exactly is going on in their business. Dashboards can show trending of overall expense/revenue/profit of an organization compared to budget or benchmark, product lead times for manufacturing organization, patient wait times for hospitals compared to benchmark, etc. So, all of these portray quantitative information … So, do dashboards only contain quantitative measures?  Isn’t that boring? Well no, they do not only contain quantitative measures. Dashboards can have various widgets, such as spark lines, text labels, gauges, etc.
Now, let’s discuss characteristics of an effective dashboard and review some of the pitfalls that need to be avoided.
The big point here is that dashboards need to provide the big picture of the company’s performance. Prominence needs to be given to major metrics and attention should be easily drawn to measures that show poor performance in comparison to the targets.
Now, let’s mention few of the common pitfalls discussed by Stephen Few:
1. Exceeding the boundaries of a single screen – It is VERY IMPORTANT that all of the information should fit on a single screen
2. Displaying excessive detail or precision – Information should not be displayed in more detail and precision than necessary
3. Choosing inappropriate media to display – Think about what media is the best way to represent your performance, do not just go for the fancier widgets that do not easily portray the picture
4. Using poorly designed display media – Design the components so they communication information efficiently, effectively, and clearly, without distractions
5. Expressing measures indirectly – If you want to portray the variance between actual and budgeted revenue, then rather than showing the two attributes separately and having the viewer do the calculation, display the variance directly on the dashboard

I hope you, the reader, have gained a better understanding of dashboards, several important characteristics and pitfalls and how they might benefit you and your organization.


Few, S. (2005). Common Pitfalls in Dashboard Design.
Few, S. (2005). Dashboard Design: Beyond Meters, Gauges, and Traffic Lights. Business Intelligence Journal , 18-24.
Ram, S. (2015). Dashboard design and its use for analysis. Module 4

Sunday, October 25, 2015

What's the Big Data?

We have been hearing a great deal about Big Data in the last few years. What is this hype about? Why the hype? The hype says that with more data we can gather the better answers to business problems. My first exposure to Big Data was at the University of Arizona’s 2014 Symposium on Data Analytics in Healthcare held on October 17, 2014. At the time, my team of healthcare management consultants for the University of Arizona Medical Center, decided to attend this symposium to understand the hype and how Big Data is helping the healthcare sector. I am sure, that we have all read that the healthcare industry is under pressure to reduce the cost of care, while improve patient care. The various technologies such as Electronic Health Records (EHR), social media, cellular applications, etc. are pressuring healthcare to dive into the Big Data treasure hunt in order to find ways to improve patient care and reduce overall costs. The speakers at the symposium discussed various topics, projects, and research related to social media (such as twitter) and cellular applications to monitor and improve the healthcare. Nonetheless to say, the symposium was great exposure to various aspects and use of Big Data that sparked an interest in me.   

So the question is what and how Big is Big Data? Big data is an evolving term that describes a massive volume of data that is difficult to process with traditional software and database techniques. We live in a world where technology is rapidly evolving. In return, we are sitting on a big data bomb, with an expected volume exceeding 35 Zettabytes by 2020. I am sure you are wondering, well how much is Zettabytes (see picture below for a hierarchical explanation of Zettabyte)? Ok, so think about a cup of coffee (1 Gigabyte) and compare it to the Great Wall of China – have the picture? Well that is a visual explanation of a Zettabyte.

As part of the Business Intelligence lecture and readings for Week 1, I was mind-blown about the amount of data being generated in 60 seconds:
·        More than 100,000 tweets
·        More than 400,000 Skype calls
·        More than 80,000 posts on Facebook
·        200,000 e-mails sent         
·        700,000 searches on Google

Can you believe it? Are you as shocked as I was? Isn’t this miraculous!? In 2010, Eric Schmidt from Google expressed “There were 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days.”  

So based on my blog so far, you are tempted to understand big data merely in terms of size but of course, you would be misled. In addition to volume, big data is characterized by volume and its ability to transform into data many aspects of the world that were previously unimaginable, such as GPS signals from cell phones, likes on Facebook, messages and images posted on social networks, readings from sensors, such as vending machines, car seats, jet engines, etc. Las but not least, the speed of data creation is another important aspect of Big Data. Real-time data makes it possible for businesses to understand their position in the market at the exact moment and become more agile than their competitors. In simplest terms, because of big data businesses can now measure, and understand a lot more about how they operate, and translate all that knowledge into improved decision-making and performance.

So, how can we deal with the variety, volume and velocity of Big Data? The answer is Business Intelligence BI). BI is the applications, technologies, tools and techniques that are used to gather and analyze data in order to provide businesses with actionable insights on measuring and managing their performance. Important thing worth noting is that BI is based on data and data needs to be accurate in order to get the benefit of it. There are numerous activities embedded within BI, such as analytics, data warehousing, data collection and processing, data mining, reporting and querying software, digital dashboards. As, Peter Sondergaard from Gartner Research said, “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.”
Big data and BI are used in many industries, from manufacturing, to healthcare, from law enforcement to environment, from traffic control to fraud prevention, etc. The exponential growth of data will require need for BI related jobs. Based on a recent report from McKinsey, United States will require about 200,000 data scientists (an individual that can combine analytical, technical, quantitative and business skills) and 1.5 million data savvy managers.

In closing, if we think Big Data is big now, we just have to wait …


Cukier, K. N., & Mayer-Schoenberger, V. (2013). The Rise of Big Data. Foreign Affairs.
McAfee, A., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2012). Big Data: The management revolution. Harvard Business Review.
Miller, R. (2014, Aug 10). If You Think Big Data's Big Now, Just Wait. Retrieved from Tech Crunch:
Ram, S. (2015). Intro to Big Data and Business Intelligence. Module 1

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

About Me, Myself and I

About Me, Myself and I
WHO // Aleksandra Milosevska  BORN // February 9, 1987  FROM // Ohrid, MacedoniaWHAT // Project Consultant, at GoogleWHERE // Sunera LLC, Mountain View, CAWHEN // October 2015 - PRESENT

Well let's be short and sweet :D ... 

I just recently moved to Mountain View, CA from Tucson, AZ and and I am extremely excited about the new and exciting opportunities and adventures that this new chapter of my life is about to offer (though I will miss my family and all the great friends I have met in Tucson). 

I love to travel, and travel, and travel (can you tell I love travelling :D) ... I am a book nerd - I love to read books and discuss them at my book club meetings. I am also very active, I love to work out, hike, spend time with family and friends, but also spare few minutes of the day to learn something new (either from article, a co-worker, friend, family member, job duties, etc.) -- you never stop learning (as my mother says).

Thanks to my previous job as a Management Consultant at the University of Arizona Medical Center and my co-worker (super smart gentleman that knows a lot about the tech world and data), I fell in love with data and data analytics

I hope that the Business Intelligence course will polish my rusty BI skills, but also expose me to new BI software tools and introduce me to the data side of the social media world - collecting and analyzing social media data.